Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability :
I agree to release Tejal Solanki and Bhavini Solanki of Jalvini Coaching of any responsibility or injury occurring from our work together using our tools of timeline therapy, energy healing, hypnosis, guided meditations, and discourse.
This form is an important legal document. It explains the assumption of any and all risks in deciding to follow the advice or insight, or use of products, from Tejal Solanki and Bhavini Solanki, who operates as an advising consultant through the "Company" Jalvini Coaching (JC). It is critical that you read and understand it completely. After you have done so, please check the box that states “I have read and agree to the Waiver Release and Assumption of Risk.”
Waiver, Informed Consent, and Covenant Not to Sue
I hereby acknowledge I have volunteered to participate in a paid or unpaid online or in-person session with JC. In consideration of JC agreement to instruct, assist, advise, guide, coach or train me, I do here and forever release and discharge and hereby hold harmless JC and its respective agents, heirs, assigns, contractors, and employees from any and all claims, demands, damages, loss of profits, data breaches, rights of action or causes of action, present or future, arising out of or connected with my participation in a session or purchase or any program WITHOUT LIMITATION, WHICH MAY OCCUR AS A RESULT OF following advice tendered and released or training rendered or use of facilities during a session or event. Furthermore, I intend this waiver and release to be legally binding on my heirs, executors, administrators, estate and assigns.
I recognize that in no way does any member of JC provide legal, medical, or therapeutic advice and it is my responsibility to secure medical or psychological care. I understand that JC does not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.
I acknowledge and agree that no warranties or representations have been made to me regarding the results I will achieve from any insight, guidance, product or program. I understand that results are individual and may vary.
What to Expect: Your coach has been trained and certified in Time Line Therapy® at the Master Practitioner level and will be doing this technique along with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, Sound Healing, Reiki, Magnified Healing, Celtic Shamanic Praticitioner, Laughter Yoga Leader. The session(s) will probably be different from what you might have expected.
We will start with an introduction a general overview of chakras and how the guided visualization hypnosis meditation and Reiki energy healing experience work together to facilitate deep rest and relaxation and an opportunity for personal transformation within the unconscious mind, followed by getting comfortable, lie down on your couch or bed, use headphones for an enhanced experience. Setting your specific Intention such as wanting to find a solution to a problem, or simply saying a word or phrase like "open mind and heart" or "strength" or "balance" and so on and it prepares you to surrender. You will then easily and effortlessly begin your Guided Visualization Hypnosis Meditation journey which primes the unconscious mind to reprogram itself as this is an opportunity to explore your inner world and inspiration, and release blockages that no longer serve a positive purpose in your life and to provide you with a profound experience brought on by the healing energy as the Reiki Energy flows to you through the sounds of the instruments to balance the energy in the body, cleanse the chakras, and strengthen your aura. After the session, wake up feeling refreshed, energized, and back in the room.
Medical Disclaimer / Limitation on Services
I also understand that Tejal and Bhavini do not treat or diagnose any condition and that they are facilitators of timeline therapy, Creating Your Future, hypnosis. I understand that, while JC has my best interests in mind and will offer guidance where asked, I am responsible for my own well-being and decision-making. I also understand that I am responsible for my own interpretations of and reactions to the information presented to me. I understand that the experience of hypnosis is meant to present information that may contribute to mind, body, and spiritual balance and that JC is not responsible or liable for the information I receive while under trance. I also understand that JC is not responsible for my interpretations of the information or the decisions I make based on the information. I understand that I am responsible for my own judgment and that all participation, interpretations, and decisions are my own.
I understand there are some conditions for which our sessions are not a good fit and should not be utilized by the client. These conditions include (and are not limited to): Schizophrenia, pathological personalities, psychosis (including substance-induced), senility, dementia, brain trauma, cognitive deficiencies, epilepsy, narcolepsy, bipolar, clinical depression, suicidal tendencies, serious heart conditions, extremely high/low blood pressure, elderly/frail, substance abuse, and/or currently taking medications/substances that cause drowsiness.
I understand that if I am, in any way, unsure if the sessions would be a good fit for me, that it is best to consult my medical doctor prior to participating in the sessions.
Also, if pregnant (especially in the first or the second trimester), I will also consult my medical doctor prior to participating in the sessions. I understand that by signing this document, I am accepting full responsibility for monitoring my health for this and any future group and/or individual sessions. Should any of the aforementioned conditions present themselves in the future, I understand and agree that I shall not participate in any future sessions without first consulting with and receiving expressed consent from my health care provider. I have read and understand the above Release of Liability agreement. By checking the box that states “I have read and agree to the Waiver Release and Assumption of Risk.”
Waiver I am of legal age, and in consideration of my acceptance as a participant in this Coaching Experience, Awaken Your Power, I for myself, my heirs, my executors, administrators, and assignees, do hereby release and discharge Tejal Solanki and Bhavini Solanki of Jalvini Coaching from all claims of damages arising from or growing out of my participation.
Warranty No warranty is given, expressed or implied, for satisfactory results from your session(s).
Tape Recording I agree this session will be recorded. I agree that no compensation will be paid for any products or revenues or any other value derived from these recordings or any resulting products. I waive all rights from the use of such recordings. I do not ask for, nor expect, any compensation from any of the recordings taken during the session.
Methods Used
The Coach employs timeline therapy, creating your future, neurolinguistic programming, hypnosis techniques that are designed to facilitate the client’s quest for self- improvement, and relaxation. Specific additional techniques may include: Energy Healing, Celtic Shamanism practices, Body Relaxation, Directed Meditation, Sound Healing and Guided Imagery.
© 2021 Jalvini Creations. All Rights Reserved.